4592 A Community Based Pressure Ulcer Workshop for Underserved Areas

Martha D. Cobb, MS, RN, MEd, CWOCN, ACNS-BC , Consultant, CWOCN, Tucson, AZ
Kelly A. L. Ingertson, BSN, RN, CWOCN , University Medical Center, Wound and Ostomy Nurse, Tucson, AZ
Theresa Ouellette, RN, WOCN , Above All Quality Care, LLC, Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nurse Consultant, Oracle, AZ
Karen Kennedy-Evans, RN, CS, FNP , K.L.Kennedy, LLC, Wound and Skin Management, Tucson, AZ
Sherry Alvarado, RN, BSN, CWS , Southern Arizona Veterans Administration Medical Center, Home Health Nurse, Tucson, AZ
Laura Elliott, RN, BSN, WOCN , Oro Valley Hospital, Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse, Tucson, AZ
Joyce Norman, RN, BSN, CWOCN , Medline Industries, Inc., Clinical Education Specialist, Tucson, AZ
Nancy Tallman, RN, MSN, WOCN , Northwest Medical Center, WOC Nurse, Tucson, AZ
1.  Title:  A Community Based Pressure Ulcer Workshop For Underserved Areas 

2.  Purpose:  It is increasingly difficult and expensive for health care agencies to provide opportunities and education for staff, especially in the rural settings.  The Tucson Affiliate of WOCN developed and implemented a Pressure Ulcer Workshop, based upon the NPUAP Curriculum and WOCN Guideline, providing continuing education to underserved, rural communities and local facilities in Southern Arizona, who do not have WOC nurses.  A four hour “traveling” workshop is being offered to hospital and agency staff in Tucson and Southern Arizona.

3.  Objective:  To provide education to nurses in Tucson and Southern Arizona facilities via a Pressure Ulcer Workshop on preventing and managing pressure ulcers, with a four hour workshop, taken to their facility.  The cost will be manageable for the facility & staff, approximately $25 per attendee. The faculty is WOC nurses, with knowledge and experience in pressure ulcer prevention and management.  The workshops will provide needed, cost effective education for the learners and a modest income to assist in the support of activities of the Tucson Affiliate such as scholarships and leadership training.

4.  Outcomes:  The education committee of eight TWOCN members, over 1 year, met to develop this program.  It is a power point assisted presentation, covering prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, with opportunity for learner hands on experience with dressing selection and case studies.  The program has been presented twice with wide acceptance and positive evaluations.  The attendees have been actively engaged and responsive during the workshop. Marketing of the program is continuing to be developed throughout southern Arizona.  The program is approved for continuing education units.