4558 Teaching staff accurate location and etiology of buttock ulcers

Joan Junkin, MSN, APRN-CNS, CWOCN , The Healing Touch, Inc, Consultant providing education, legal and clinical wound and ostomy services, Lincoln, NE
Therese Henn, RN-CS, BSN, ANP, GNP-BC , Pima Health System, Nurse Practioner, Tucson, AZ
It is difficult to determine the main etiology for ulcers on the buttocks. One of the main determinants is whether the ulcer is over a bony prominence, yet in many persons bony prominences such as the sacral prominence are not easily located due to body habitus. This presentation will describe an educational intervention meant to teach staff skills necessary in this very important endeavor. A new tool will be shared that assists with identification of bony prominences based on palpating anatomical landmarks. Using the process of elimination it is possible to improve staff skills for determining whether a buttock ulcer is a pressure ulcer, incontinence associated dermatitis, moisture associated skin damage or another etiology. It is essential to do so in order to choose the best interventions, assure correct reimbursement and to improve accuracy of facility prevalence and incidence numbers.