Lidia M. Garner, MSM, BSN, RN, CWCN, COCN, National Naval Medical Center, WOCN, 8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20889
Opportunity Statement:The most frequently prescribed wound care protocol, wet-to-dry gauze dressings, is both labor intensive for staff and expensive in materials. The National Naval Medical Center identified this as an opportunity for cost savings and an improvement in the quality of care. The key business drivers were the command budget, staff efficiency and patient satisfaction. In a Nursing Efficiency Study of 45 nurses, 33 reported wound care as being the most time consuming nursing task. Our goal was to decrease the frequency of dressing changes by 50% and to decrease hospital costs (labor and supply) by 50%.Analysis/Benchmarking:The former protocols were saline wet-to-dry dressings 2 to 3 times per day. Over six month period 322 patients were seen by the CWCN. A cause and effect analysis was completed. The current wound care practices were found to be labor intensive and burdensome to staff. A moist wound healing protocol was introduced. The hydrofiber was changed one to two times per week was compared to the existing protocol.Outcomes:The average savings (labor and supplys over 6 months using the protocol of care including the hydrofiber dressing was $66,177. Nursing time saved equaled 20 12-hour shifts further equaling 14 full time nursing positions saved.Conclusion: Changing the protocol for 322 patients has resulted in an 89.1% decrease in overall costs. The time saved by staff was also 93.8%. Deliverables:As a result of the recommendations Tools for Success were put into place. These tools included: Wound Care Algorithms, Pressure Ulcer Cheat Sheet,Specialty Bed Selection Guide (One-Sheet tear off,On Site In-Servicing,Vendor Fair/Demonstration,Regularly Scheduled Wound/Ostomy Courses,VAC Certification offerings. This Project is the First Place winner in the NNMC Quality Fair 2004 for Clinical Excellence.
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