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In our clinic, we see a number of morbidly obese patients with lymphedema of the fat apron. They all report dry, itchy, scaley, painful skin. Clinically, they present with indurated, congested skin, with varying degrees of peau ‘de orange and papillomatosis. This firm, but delicate skin is prone to injury and ulceration, particularly in the creases and around the papillomas. We have found success with the consistent use of OlivamineTM containing skin care products.
The line of products we use contain OlivamineTM, a blend of ingredients including antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and methylsulfonylmethane. These ingredients help to nourish skin with everything it needs to atttain and maintain health. These products soothe the pain and itching, promotes healthy skin at the edge of wounds and ulcerations, thus promoting a healthy epithelial edge for improved wound healing.
We will continue to utilize OlivamineTM-containing skin care products in our clinic to promote healthy skin, to reduce the risk of skin fold sores and ulceration, and improve quality of life.
*Remedy Advanced Skin Care, from Medline Industries, Inc. The support of Medline Industries, Inc. is gratefully acknowledged
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See more of Case Study Abstracts
See more of The 38th Annual WOCN Society Conference (June 24 -- 28, 2006)