Madeline R. Cafiero, MS, FNP, CWOCN, Aimee Carlson, MS, ANP, CWOCN, and Cynthia Maloney-Monaghan, MS, FNP. Seton Health Incontinence and Wound Services, Seton Health Incontinence and Wound Services, 147 Hoosick Street, Troy, NY 12180
Urinary incontinence affects over 20 milion Americans. Despite this large number, it is suspected even more people are affected with incontinence and bladder-related symptoms but do not seek treatment. The purpose of this practice innovation is to help patients with urinary incontinence and bladder-related symptoms access professionals that can guide them to diagnosis and treatment. Our objective is to have patients with symptoms self-report, be educated in treatment modalities available and then access treatment appropriate for their condition. To this end, the nurse practitioners at our outpatient continence center developed community bladder-screening days. These free screenings are held at our office; usually during the lunch hours of 11 am to 1 pm; four to six times a year and are staffed by the nurse practitioners. The bladder screenings are advertised in our hospital newsletter, community newspapers and in flyers distributed to the primary care practices in our health system. Patients arrive at the office and are given a symptom checklist to complete. These symptoms are reviewed with the patient by the nurse practitioner in the exam room. Urinalysis by dipstick and post-void residual by bladder scanner are done on each patient as part of the screen. When the screen is completed, the patient is advised on the next step to treatment dependent on findings. Patient education materials are provided on bladder health, bladder irritants and pelvic muscle exercises. Patients who attend the screening day continue on to an appointment with the continence center approximately 30% of the time. This practice innovation opens the door to treatment through education for many patients who otherwise would suffer in silence.
See more of Practice Innovation Poster Abstracts
See more of Practice Innovation Abstracts
See more of The 38th Annual WOCN Society Conference (June 24 -- 28, 2006)