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The Use of Polymeric Membrane Dressings for Management of a Full Thickness/Tunneling Dehisced Surgical Abdominal Wound

Laura Barnes, RN, MSN, WOCN, CWCN, APN-CNS, Ferris Mfg Corp, Wound Care Consultant, 16W300 83rd St,, Burr Ridge, IL 60527

CLINICAL PROBLEM: A 34 year old female Gravida 1 Para 2 Cesarean Section presents with a dehisced abdominal wound. The patient has a history of obesity and diet controlled Diabetes Mellitus. Patient complained of abdominal wound pain. Nutritional support included protein in diet, Vitamin C and zinc supplements. The abdominal full thickness wound measured 13cm x 2cm with a depth 4cm and 3-4cm tunneling present at 10-2 o'clock with 20% yellow slough tissue present. There was 80% granulation tissue noted in the wound bed and no signs of infection. Moderate amount of serosanguineous drainage noted. A WOC nurse was consulted for wound care.

DESCRIPTION OF PAST MANAGEMENT: Previous wound care treatment during hospitalization included wet to dry dressings which were found unsuccessful.

CURRENT CLINICAL APPROACH: The wound care treatment was changed to a variety of polymeric membrane dressings. A primary dressing was packed into the depth and tunneling of the wound bed. A secondary dressing was used to cover the wound. The patient's spouse performed wound care/dressing changes every other day. Home Health care assisted with monitoring wound care and observation of wound healing.Polymeric membrane dressing consist of a wound cleanser F-68 that eliminated the need for wound bed cleansing during dressing changes, the dressing facilitated autolytic debridement, reduced dressing changes and reduced patient discomfort.

PATIENT OUTCOME: The wound healed within 12 weeks from initiation until closure.

CONCLUSION: The different variety of polymeric membrane dressings were used as a primary and secondary dressing until wound closure. These dressings offered all the benefits provided by any category of wound care.

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