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Description Of Past Management: Previous wound treatment included saline dressings with no improvement.
Current Clinical Approach: The plan of treatment included to apply a silver polymeric membrane dressing when signs of infection were present. The non-silver polymeric membrane dressing were used when signs of infection were not present. The dressings were changed every week and wrapped with kerlix. Silver polymeric membrane dressings contain nanocrystalline silver particles that provide antimicrobial benefit to decrease bacterial count to the wound bed. Polymeric membrane dressings provided decrease inflammation, management of wound drainage,and maintain moist wound healing.
Patient Outcome: The right leg ulcer healed completely in 8 weeks. Patient had decrease pain during dressing changes.
Conclusion: Polymeric membrane dressings are a choice of dressing type to use until complete wound closure.
Behavioral Objectives: 1) Discuss problematic issues related to a traumatic wound. 2) Identify the use of polymeric membrane dressings to decrease infection and pain. 3) Identify polymeric membrane dressing used to enhance wound healing until closure.
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See more of The 38th Annual WOCN Society Conference (June 24 -- 28, 2006)