Megan Hughes, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Lakeland Health System, CWOCN, 1234 Napier Rd, St. Joseph, MI 49085
Introduction. Case involves a bed bound elderly African-American female with a history of stroke. Bowel obstruction surgery left patient with less than ten feet of small and large intestine combined. Frequent and loose highly enzymatic stool resulted in full thickness skin breakdown to the buttocks and perineum. Methods. Daily care required staff to provide extra care 2-3 times and hour. Care included a low air loss specialty bed to reduce pressure and moisture, linen changes, incontinence pads, skin cleanser, and various ointments. Patient experienced pain during wound cleansing. Staff sought out an alternative regimen, and a Zassi Bowel Management System was obtained. Catheter was inserted into rectum of the patient. Irrigation was performed every 8 hours with 200 to 300 hundred milliliters of warm water that kept stool flowing and catheter clean. New catheters were inserted every 29 days. A total of 3 catheters were used. Results. Stool was prevented from coming in contact with the wounds and intact skin. The wound care regimen was significantly reduced and all skin problems were resolved in less than 30 days. Patient was moved to the facilities step-down unit and put in a standard hospital bed with completely healed skin. Discussion/Conclusion. Utilization of the Zassi Bowel Management device was highly successful. The use of the system was effective in resolving the skin breakdown, a reduction in nursing time, and in reducing the cost in materials required by the hospital to treat the patient.
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