Abstract: An Alternative to Post Operative Ostomy Care Management and Pain (WOCN Society 41st Annual Conference (June 6- June 10, 2009))

3384 An Alternative to Post Operative Ostomy Care Management and Pain

Vera Allyn B. Scott, RN, CMSRN, COCN , University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Ostomy Care Coordinator, Madison, WI
Introduction: The general practice for the post operative ostomy patient was to have a pouching system on the patient that was convenient to apply in the operating room. Although this was efficient for the operating room staff, it did not fully consider the post operative ostomy care needs of the patient. The pouching system still required changing within 24hrs. Changing came at the most difficult time during the patient’s post operative recovery resulting in considerable anxiety and discomfort.
Methods: A clinical trial was conducted on colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy patients using an adaptor with a moldable standard or extended wear skin barrier*. Initial application of the adaptor and the moldable pouching system were done in the operating room by the surgeons. Evaluations were done by the operating room surgical staff, unit RN and the patient.
Results: Using the adaptor with the moldable wafer, we were able to introduce a new standard post operative pouching system that allowed the accessibility to the ostomy without total pouching system change for 48hrs. It permitted both the medical and the nursing staff to manipulate the pouching system without subjecting the patient to the lift and push pressure on the abdomen during detachment and reattachment of the pouch to and from the skin barrier.
Conclusion: The utility of the product was best demonstrated by patients reporting they experienced no significant discomfort during ostomy care. Favorable comments and feedback from the medical and nursing staff and the patients convinced us to use the low pressure adaptor with the moldable wafer as part of our standard post operative pouching system.
*SUR-FIT NaturaÒ Low Pressure Adaptor with StomahesiveÒ or DurahesiveÒ Skin
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