Abstract: Compression Therapy Options for Management of Venous Insufficiency Ulcers (WOCN Society 41st Annual Conference (June 6- June 10, 2009))

3219 Compression Therapy Options for Management of Venous Insufficiency Ulcers

Jane E. Carmel, MSN, RN, CWOCN , Private Consultant, Independent WOCN Consultant, Pittsfield, MA
Statement of Clinical Problem: Venous insufficiency is responsible for a large percentage of lower extremity ulcerations. This chronic condition impacts not only the older person as 40% of patients have their first venous ulcer before the age of 50. The occurrence of venous ulcers can affect work productivity and also the cost associated with the treatment. Compression therapy is the gold standard for treatment and prevention of venous ulcers.
Objective: Identify compression therapy options for the person with venous insufficiency and venous ulcers that will be acceptable for the person’s life style.
Clinical Approach and Outcomes: Compression therapy can be delivered in the form of a paste boot, elastic wraps, multilayered wraps and stockings. Patients are not receptive to wraps being applied and changed once or twice a week. This can impact there daily life style related to bathing, dressing and discomfort in hot climates. Data and pictures of several cases will be provided on the different types of compression devices used and the outcomes.
 Conclusions: Several different compression therapy techniques were provided as options for the patient to choose for management of their condition. Having the patient involved in the decision of the type of compression therapy resulted in patient’s acceptance of the therapy.   Patient’s acceptance and understanding of the need for daily compression therapy for management of their chronic condition resulted in better outcome and quality of life.
See more of: Case Study
See more of: Case Study Abstract