4420 Vacuum assisted closure: a technology used by the Nurse Specialist

Gunnar G. C. Taets Sr. , Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO, Nurse, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This study aims to demonstrate the applicability of vacuum assisted closure dressing of choice as the nurse for pressure ulcers in stage IV and difficult to heal. Methodology: this is a case study with the following inclusion criteria for patients in the study: age between 65 and 70 years old, brown, male, in home care with a history of prior treatment with the lesion with products by at least one year and with the wound-type pressure ulcers in stage IV. Results: in thirteen days, the pressure ulcer stage IV presented stage II filling the entire cavity of the wound with granulation tissue thereafter suspended the dressing the vacuum and kept the traditional toppings. Conclusion: The vacuum assisted closure can and should be indicated by the nurse specialist to clients with pressure ulcers in stage IV when they are free of infection, systemic or local, and necrosis.