In a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center (PM&R), wound care services were a challenge. Both nursing and physical therapy (PT) services were responsible for wound care, but collaboration between the services was minimal. Nurses were held accountable for wound care, but due to current processes, they were not always able to assess the wounds. This created confusion for all staff, including physicians, and reduced the nurses opportunity to identify complications and gain knowledge about wound care.
Attendee will be able to identify the steps taken to create a multidisciplinary team to improve wound care.
- Inconsistencies with the management of wound care was identified between nursing and PT
- Protocols/guidelines were created by WOC nurses and implemented
- Discussion between nursing and PT services generated the idea to start a Multidisciplinary Team to improve wound care outcomes
- A wound care team consisting of a Physician, CWOCN, nursing, PT, Infection control nurse and a dietitian was established
- Bedside nurses participated in wound care rounds for their patients gaining knowledge about wound care
- Wound care rounds were completed and outcomes documented weekly.
- WOCN was able to provide knowledge and resources to the team to improve wound care services
Weekly rounds encouraged collaboration between disciplines improving outcomes for wound healing. Also, by implementing protocols/guidelines, nurses became proactive in wound care and improved wound care outcomes.