4432 Checking Urination Changes through the USE of International Prostrate Symptom SCORE-IPSS

Maria Euridéa Castro Castro, PHd, at, Universidade, Estadual, do, Ceará , Wocn-Wcet, Professor and ETNEP coodenator- Fortaleza-Ceará Brasil, Fortaleza- Ceará -Brasil, Brazil
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the continuous prostate growth, leading to unpleasant urinary symptoms and quality of life change. It’s intended to keep track of urinary symptoms, and develop public policies regarding man’s health. The objectives were: analyze the urination changes through the use of International Prostatic Symptoms Score; check quality of life perception when facing these appearing changes. The research is prospective with descriptive statistic analysis. The population was composed by 412 Universidade Estadual do Ceará male workers, aging over 40 years old. The sample was composed by 142 individuals. The International Prostatic Symptoms Score (IPSS-AUA) was used for data collecting. It was observed that the ages were in the range of 50 to 59 years old with 89 (45,2%) individuals,  and that the ages from 40 to 49 and from 60 to 77 years old represented respectively 59 (29,9%) and 49 (24,7%) of the sample. Concerning to incomplete bladder emptying sensation, after finishing urination the 40-49 years old group presented a remarkable smaller average compared to the 60-67 years old group average (p<0,03). Concerning the number of times the individual needed to urinate again before completing two hours from the first urination the 40-49 years old group presented a remarkable smaller average compared to the 60-67 years old group (p< 0,04). Concerning the difficulty to retain the urine the 40-49 years old group presented a remarkable smaller average compared to the 60-67 years old group (p< 0,005) Concerning Quality of life, based on the statistical analysis there was no relevant difference in the IPSS-AUA. The relation coefficient between the general summation in the IPSS and the Quality of life score was 0,48 meaningful to p < 0,01. The IPSS has shown high specificity to predict the urinary symptoms variation and low specificity to the quality of life index.