4225 Observatory of stomal therapy practices in France : results of the survey conducted in France in 2008 by AFET (French Association of Enterostomal Therapists)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010: 8:11 AM
Danièle Chaumier, nurse, -, enterostomal, therapist , hôpital Tenon, Enterostomal Therapist, 75 970 Paris cedex 20, France
Stomal therapy exists in France since 1977.In 1998, a first qualitative and quantitative assessment on activity of stomal therapy in France was made by AFET.It has shown  the necessity to formalize the knowledges and the practices of the nurses and to formalize the needs of information of the patients.Best Practices guidelines in stomal therapy have been written and published in 2003 : 2 guides for adults (urostomy and enterostomy) and one guide for children.In 2007, a survey was set up by AFET "Observatory of stomal therapy practices in France" to see the the impact of theses recommendations on the taking care of the ostomy patients. The objective was to achieve an overview of stomal therapy in France with a sociodemographic description of the ET' population and a description of the mode of exercice and of stomal therapy activity. The methodology of this survey was a compilation of information based on two nurses and patients questionnaires completed by the nurses.Concerned population was all the ET in France and all patients followed in stomatherapywith stoma care nursing.This survey was conducted  from January 2007 to June 2008.The results show a low participation rate of the ET's = 12,3% (74 answers for 600 ET contacted) but also a significant improvement of the medical information by the surgeon (50% informed patients in 1998 to 70% in 2008) .Location for the ostomy is performed for more than 60% of the patients(40% in 1998)and 78% of stoma are easily appereillable.
