4441 10 minutes set “Effective tracheotomy is an alternative nursing care in patients with tracheotomy tube at home”

Siriwan Deawsurintr , Social Medecine Dept. Hatyai Hospital, Head of Home Heath Care Center, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand
10 minutes set “Effective tracheotomy is an alternative nursing care in patients with  tracheotomy tube at home”

Deawsurintr, S., Tansakul,P.,  Buapech, K., 1 Ankul, K and Anumas, N. 2
1 Social medicine Department,   2 Nursing Department, Hatyai Hospital  Songkhla  Thailand
Conclusion. The “10 minutes set” was easy to learn for care tracheotomy tube. The effective method to provide self care knowledge of the patients and caregiver who have difficult to learned. It can building capacity and strengthening the processes for self care and would be confident to return to home. Objectives : to develop a procedure for teach in the patients with tracheotomy tube which have failed to learn can do at home. Patients and methods. Case study were 11 patients  with tracheotomy tube in  Hatyai Hospital and  14  caregivers who care patients.  The study  was plan, do,  check and action.  The  data  was  collected  by  in-depth interviews,  observations writing  field  notes and group  reflection. The  method  was  then developed. This consisted of 1. practical nurse, nurse discharge planner or the patients with more experience 2. Home health care teams were nurses and health volunteer. and 2. The procedure was follow into 5 steps : 1. assess home environment, culture, traditional, life style 2. the 10 minutes set (10 Bahts) device 1 bowel, 1 the plastic tube can through the inner tube, boiling water and 1 instruction. 3. teaching through demonstration, giving instruction (10 minutes) 4. allowing  patients to practice in the ward daily  5. refer to Health center and network (health volunteer and the patients with more experience).
 Result : 10 patients and 14 caregivers can care tracheotomy tube and can adaptation utilization base on lifestyle. Thay were satisfied and improved their self care activities. No patients have been readmission for symptoms of airway obstruction and infections. 6 patients were the informal consultator network. Factors leading to success were self-believe, culture and lifestyle familiar.
Key words : discharge planning, home health care, continuing care, management, net working