Laurie L. McNichol, MSN, RN, GNP, CWOCN

Clinical Nurse Specialist/WOC Nurse
Cone Health
11 Bluff Ridge Court
Greensboro NCUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Laurie McNichol is a registered nurse.  She is Master’s prepared, a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner and is board certified in wound, ostomy and continence care nursing.  She has specialized in the field of wound, ostomy and continence care nursing for 22 years; the first 11 in acute care and the next 9 in the home health setting where she served as the Director of Practice and Quality in a large, multi-site, multi-state agency. In October of last year, Laurie returned to bedside clinical practice in the role of a CNS/WOC nurse in an acute care setting.  Laurie served as the President of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN) from 2001-2005 and in that capacity led two international wound care delegations, one to the People’s Republic of China and one to Russia, in addition to visiting WOC nurses in many states to address their concerns and seek insight into their practice. She was elected to the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel’s Board of Directors in 2007 and is currently that group’s President.  Laurie is a nationally known lecturer on wound care and professional practice and is delighted to be with us today.