212 East Market Street
Biographical Sketch: Dr. Diane L. Krasner is a board certified wound specialist with experience in wound, ostomy & incontinence care across the continuum of care. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Dr. Krasner is a Wound & Skin Care Consultant in York, Pennsylvania and works part-time at Rest Haven - York as the WOCN / Special Projects Nurse.
Krasner graduated from The Johns Hopkins University with degrees in Ancient Near Eastern History and Egyptology. She went on to receive her Bachelors, Masters and PhD from the University of Maryland School of Nursing and a Masters in Adult and Continuing Education from Johns Hopkins School of Continuing Studies. Dr. Krasner was a Johnson & Johnson Medical Post Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Nursing Research at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.
Dr. Krasner is the lead co-editor of Chronic Wound Care: A Clinical Source Book for Healthcare Professionals (4th edition, 2007, HMP Communications). She currently serves on the editorial boards of WOUNDS, Kestrel Wound Product Sourcebook, The International Journal of Wound Care and World Wide Wounds. Since 1992 Dr. Krasner has served on the Board of Directors and as an Officer of several national wound care organizations, including The American Academy of Wound Management, The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care and The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel.
Dr. Krasner’s research interests include wound pain, palliative wound care and legal issues related to wound care. She has numerous publications in the wound care literature and lectures nationally and internationally on wound & skin care.