Phyllis A. Bonham, PhD, MSN, RN, CWOCN, DPNAP, FAAN

Associate Professor and Director, Wound Care Education Program
College of Nursing, Medical University of South Carolina
99 Jonathan Lucas Street
MSC 160
Charleston SCUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Phyllis Bonham is an Associate Professor and Director of the Wound Care Education Program at the Medical University of South Carolina, College of Nursing, Charleston, SC. Dr. Bonham’s professional career has spanned several decades with 44 years in nursing and 36 years as a specialist in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing.  Dr. Bonham’s nursing experience includes varied roles as staff nurse, management/administration, independent nursing practice/consultation, education, and research in a  variety of settings.  Dr. Bonham is a member of several professional organizations and is the current President of WOCN. She has presented numerous lectures, workshops and seminars at local, regional and national conferences.  Dr.  Bonham has published numerous articles in professional and peer-reviewed journals and books on a variety of wound, ostomy and other related topics.