Tucson AZUSA
Biographical Sketch: An Durnal RN, BSN, WOCN ia employed at Carondelet St.Mary's Hospital since 1977 and Independent Nurse Consutlant since 1985. She currently sees osotmy, wound and continence patients in acute care and the outpatient clinic area. In addition to her position at Carondelet St. Marys she has lectured nationally and internationally. She is currently attending the University of Phoenix, MSN/FNP Program, she is a graduated of the University of Arizona College of Nursing, Tucson, AZ in 1977 and attended the Tucson Medical School for Enterostomal Therapy in 1980. She served onthe ETNCB (currently known as WOCNCB ) in 1990/1991. Ann has been reconznized by her peers and received the following awards: Fabulous Fifty Nurses, Southern AZ, 2009,Carondelet's Mission Award 2009, Achievenment Award Complex Wound Unit 2005, Carondelet's Excellence in Clinical Practice 1993, Carondelet's Excellence in Education 1989, Carondelet's Employee of Year 1980