Abstract: Evaluation of a unique new microbiocidal hypochlorous acid solution in a variety of different wound types (43rd Annual Conference (June 4-8, 2011))

5269 Evaluation of a unique new microbiocidal hypochlorous acid solution in a variety of different wound types

Kimberly L. Eldridge, RNFA, CNOR, CFCN, WCC, Rush Wound Care, Hyperbaric and Limb Salvage Center, RNFA, Surgical Wound Specialist, Meridian, MS, James, R. Gleaves, MD, FACS, Rush Wound Care, Hyperbaric and Limb Salvage Center, Medical Director, Meridian, MS and Gregory Bohn, MD, Trinity Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine, Medical Director Trinity Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine, Bettendorf, IA
The purpose of this presentation is to show the different methods and techniques of using a new technology utilizing a hypochlorous acid solution in a variety of wound types for the use of cleaning, irrigating, debriding and moistening the wound.

Effective wound cleaning removes debris that supports bacterial growth and delays wound healing. Wound cleaning delivers cleansing solution to the wound by mechanical force, aids with separation of necrotic tissue from healthy tissue and removes bacteria and debris from the wound surface. The process of wound cleaning involves selecting a solution and a method of delivering the solution to the wound.

This wound therapy solution with hypochlorous acid is a cleared medical device for the use of cleaning, debriding, lubricating and moistening wounds which include but are not limited to stasis, diabetic and pressure ulcers, 1st to 2nd degree burns and post op surgical wounds. It is a precisely ph-controlled hypochlorous acid, generated by a proprietary electrolytic method using the body’s natural elements of salt and water.  This wound therapy solution is at a near neutral ph between 5.3 and 6.7.

In this presentation, we will demonstrate and educate on our uses of hypochlorous acid in a variety of wounds and treatment methods.