Abstract: Healing a patient with Pyoderma Granulosum with Cadeomer Iodine Gel and gaining a compliant patient (43rd Annual Conference (June 4-8, 2011))

5158 Healing a patient with Pyoderma Granulosum with Cadeomer Iodine Gel and gaining a compliant patient

Susan Beltran, RN, MSN/MBA, HC, CWOCN1, Sherif Osman, MD, CWS, FAPWCA2 and Judy Stasuk, RN, BSN, CWOCN1, (1)Center for Wound Care at Harford Memorial Hospital, Inpatient/Outpatient Wound Care Specialist, Havre de Grace, MD, (2)Center for Wound Care at Harford Memorial Hospital, Medical Director Center for Wound Care at Harford Memorial Hospital, Havre de Grace, MD
Patients with Pyoderma Granulosum will be more compliant with a wound care treatment that does not cause pain while meeting the requirements of wound healing.

Pyoderma Granulosum is characterized by painful necrotic ulcerations and pathergy. Debridement will exacerbate the wound and so most wound care experts recommend that it be avoided when possible. Many patients are misdiagnosed causing a delay in treatment.

A sixty year old woman presented to our outpatient wound care center with a non-healing traumatic ulceration of her leg. A skin biopsy was inconclusive for Pyoderma Granulosum.  Several debridements and multiple wound therapies, which included silver, collagen and an integra graft resulted in progressive enlargement and increased tissue necrosis. Her wound originally measured 2.3cm x 3.5 cm (depth unable to be determined) however as the treatments were applied this wound continued to grow. The wound team suspected a critically colonized pyoderma granulosum wound and began treatment with cadexomer iodine gel and Imuran. The patient did not suffer from increased pain with the use of this product, is no longer taking any pain medication and is compliant with dressing changes. In the first month of use, the wound showed a 0.8 cm decrease in depth.  At the time of this abstract the wound presents with a depth of 0.5 cm.

Our team found that the cadexomer iodine gel did not cause the patient pain, was easy to use, it decreased odor, discharge and contributed to a decrease in wound depth. This improved patient compliance with dressing changes.  

See more of: Case Study
See more of: Case Study Abstract