44th Annual Conference (June 9-13, 2012)

Call For Abstracts

WOCN® 44th Annual Meeting
June 9-13, 2012 Charlotte, North Carolina

Abstracts are accepted starting Monday, August 22, 2011 through Friday, November 4, 2011.
Additional abstracts will not be accepted after this date.

The WOCN® National Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit an abstract describing a research study, case study or practice innovation in the areas of professional practice, wound, ostomy or continence. Case Study and Practice Innovation abstracts will only be considered for poster presentations. Research abstracts will be considered for oral or poster presentation.

The review process is completed by individuals from the 2012 WOCN® National Conference Planning Committee and content/research experts. Abstracts are blind reviewed (meaning that the person who reads and rates an abstract does not know the name of the author(s)) and then accepted or rejected based on an average of several scores.


The deadlines to enter new abstracts and to edit existing abstracts have been reached.

Please contact Debi Maines at dmaines@ahint.com if you have not received confirmation.

Click here for Poster Guidelines


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Topics for submissions include but are not restricted to:


  • Evidence-Based Interventions
  • Management of Complex Wounds
  • Psychosocial and Quality of Life Aspects
  • Dermatological Management/Issues
  • Nutritional Issues in Wound Healing
  • Product Selection and Innovations


  • Evidence-Based Interventions
  • Stomal/Peristomal Complications
  • Continent Diversion Issues
  • Psychosocial and Quality of Life Aspects
  • Product Selection and Innovations
  • Clinical Outcomes


  • Evidence-Based Treatment and Management
  • Assessment Techniques
  • Complications of Incontinence: Dermatological Issues; Urinary Tract Infection; Renal Deterioration
  • Management of Intractable Incontinence
  • Issues in Bladder and Bowel Continence Management
  • Psychosocial and Quality of Life Issues
  • Continence Clinics

Professional Practice

  • Clinical Practice Outcomes; Standards of Care; Clinical Pathways
  • Role Justification Issues: Data Collection; Cost/Benefit Studies; CQI Programs Specific to the WOC Nurse Scope of Practice
  • Computer Software Applications: Database Programs; Statistical Packages; Educational Resources
  • Restructuring in Health Care Settings, Strategies for Survival
  • Marketing Strategies to Staff, Administrators, Peers
  • Implementing a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program
  • Satisfaction Measurement

General Information

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All "research study" abstracts submitted are intended for oral or poster presentation at the 2012 WOCN® Annual Conference. The top five "research study" abstracts that have been designated by the author for an "Oral Presentation" will be considered for an oral presentation during the Research Paper General Session at the Conference. In addition, the reviewers will select top research abstracts to be presented at the Podium during several Concurrent Sessions identified by the Conference Planning Committee. Those "Research Study" abstracts not chosen for an oral presentation will also be considered for poster presentations.

The author may submit abstracts of COMPLETED work. Previously presented research is acceptable for submission in revised format and must be disclosed. Duplicate abstracts published in previous WOCN® Scientific and Clinical Abstracts will not be accepted. Abstract submission implies that the primary/corresponding author has the consent of all authors and has obtained necessary institutional clearances. All authors must complete the online disclosure information. Please keep in mind that if the abstract is accepted it is published in a supplement to the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing.

Policy on Commercial Support

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Presentations must avoid commercialism and should conform to the Standards on Commercial Support: Use of GENERIC name of products is allowed in the body of the abstract and in the poster/oral presentations. If mentioned in titles, the GENERIC names of products is to be used. Brand names and company names may be identified only once in an acknowledgement section. Presentations that constitute promotion and advertising, including pervasive or inappropriate use of logos will not be accepted. No company product information may be displayed or disseminated in conjunction with the oral or poster presentation. If the cost of a presentation has been underwritten to any extent, a disclosure stating the support and identifying the source will be required at the time of the abstract submission and will be required with the oral or poster presentation (e.g., "The support of [Corporation or Institution] for this project is gratefully acknowledged."). Statements should not be viewed as or considered representative of any formal stance or position taken on any subject, issue, or product by the WOCN®.

Submission Instructions

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    Please provide all information requested on the on-line submission form. Noncompliance with the instructions will result in immediate rejection. Please keep in mind the following:
  • All authors are required to submit their disclosure information. Only authors who undergo this process may be included and listed authors on the abstract and subsequent poster.
  • A title for the presentation that informs the reader of the subject matter.
  • Limit the abstract to 300 words, single-spaced. Please be sure that your abstract describes the work performed.
  • A minimum of three (3) patients are required (unless the case is complex or a unique situation and/or a unique technology is used) for all "Case Study" abstract submissions.
  • Images or photos will not be accepted at the time of abstract submission.
  • The abstract will be blind-reviewed, so please make sure that neither author(s) name(s) nor facility affiliations appear in the body of the abstract.
  • References may be submitted. The number of references is restricted to no more than five (5). There is a separate area to provide references.
  • Disclosure of all sources of support is mandatory. There is a separate area to disclose support. BRAND NAMES CANNOT BE INCLUDED IN YOUR ABSTRACT- NO EXCEPTIONS. Please note only the generic term in the body of the abstract.

Once you have submitted the title of your presentation you will automatically receive an email that includes a password-protected hyperlink. If you must interrupt the submission process before finishing it, you can resume at any time by clicking on the hyperlink in that email. For help in submitting an abstract online, e-mail technical support.

At least one author must register for the WOCN® Annual Conference.

The Review Process

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The review process is completed by individuals from the 2012 WOCN® National Conference Planning Committee and content/research experts. Abstracts are blind reviewed (meaning that the person who reads and rates an abstract does not know the name of the author(s)) and then accepted or rejected based on an average of several scores.

The numerical rankings for the different criteria of an abstract are then averaged and used to decide to accept or reject the abstract. Only research abstracts will be considered for oral presentations.

All abstracts are reviewed for compliance with the above instructions. The abstract reviewers will use the following criteria to score each abstract:

  • For Research Abstracts

    1. Topic: is the topic significant to wounds, ostomy, continence, and/or professional practice?
    2. Purpose: is the purpose/objective clearly stated?
    3. Methodology: are the methods described and appropriate?
    4. Statistics: have appropriate statistical methods been used?
    5. Results: are the results presented in sufficient detail to address the research questions or aim?
    6. Conclusion: are conclusions supported by data presented in the abstract?
    7. Clarity: is the abstract well written? Are ideas clearly communicated?
  • For Practice Innovation Abstracts

    1. Topic: is the topic significant to wounds, ostomy, continence, and/or professional practice?
    2. Purpose: is the purpose clearly stated? Is a description included that identifies the need for the practice innovation?
    3. Objective: is the objective clearly stated? Is a summary of the purpose and objectives for the practice innovation included?
    4. Outcomes: are the outcomes included that relate to the problem and objective(s)? Are the key measures or indicators used to evaluate the outcomes described?
    5. Clarity: is the abstract well written? Are ideas clearly communicated?
  • For Case Study Abstracts

    1. Statement of Clinical Problem: is the clinical problem/challenge clearly articulated and relevant to WOC nursing practice? Are relevant clinical data included (age, gender, primary related diagnosis, and relevant comorbidities)?
    2. Description of Past Management: is the duration of the clinical problem stated? Are past management approaches and patient response described?
    3. Current Clinical Approach: is the management plan and any changes made to it described along with rationale?
    4. Patient Outcomes: is the patient response described, including time frame for response, objective and subjective data?
    5. Conclusions: are clinical implications identified along with limitations? Has the author limited conclusions to this case only, without generalization to general population?

Case Study and Practice Innovation abstracts receiving the highest scores will be accepted for poster presentations only. Notification will be sent by December 27, 2011. The top five research study abstracts will be presented in a general session; a selection of abstracts will be presented in concurrent sessions; and in addition, these abstracts will have the option of being presented as a poster. Primary authors of the abstract selected for oral presentation will be notified by January 6, 2012. The remaining accepted Research Study abstracts will have the option of a poster presentation.

Accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement to the Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (JWOCN), which will include each abstract, author and author affiliation. The email address of all author(s) will also be included. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their abstract in the form of a manuscript to the JWOCN for later publication. Information regarding the process for manuscript submission to JWOCN can be found on the WOCN® website under the WOCN® Library Section (in the top right-hand corner).

Oral Abstracts:

The top 5 accepted research abstracts will be invited to present their work during a general session at the 2012 WOCN® Annual Conference. An additional 12 top research abstracts will be presented in a concurrent session. One concurrent session per track has been identified by the National Conference Planning Committee. Only the primary author will make the presentation unless another author is approved by the 2012 WOCN® Abstract Chair. Time for oral presentations will vary and will be communicated to authors well in advance of the date of the presentation.

Poster Abstracts:

Click here for Poster Guidelines
Authors of accepted poster abstracts must install and dismantle their poster per the abstract schedule (located on the back of the poster guidelines). All authors must be at their posters on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 from 7:00 am – 9:00 am. Awards will be given to the top abstract in each category. Handouts are encouraged. No audiovisual equipment will be available. Please note the maximum size of the poster cannot be larger than the board provided at the conference center which is 4’ x 8’. Supplies for mounting posters will be available. Notification will be sent as to the location of the poster session and the times for set up in advance of the Annual Conference. Poster guidelines are available here.

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