Objective: To establish a local BCAN support group for supporting the bladder cancer patient, family, or other designee. The BCAN group differs from other support groups as the focus is not only on the survivor but others, whose lives have substantially been affected by a bladder cancer diagnosis.
Method: The WOC Nurses in conjunction with Urologists secured administrative support to establish a BCAN group. All newly diagnosed bladder cancer patients and their significant others are invited to attend. The monthly group has become a cornerstone for these patients. A core group of ‘regulars’ attend monthly meetings to share and offer advice none of the professionals cannot give - what is it like to live with bladder cancer.
Results: All group members unanimously agree the reason for attending is the support they lend to newly diagnosed bladder cancer patients. This well knit group has planned activities and offerings by guest speakers. Due to the thoroughness of the group there have been fewer calls to the WOCN office.
Conclusion: A local BCAN group contributes to psychosocial well-being of those affected by bladder cancer. Long-term outcomes require further study.