1567 Mobilize Board Certified Foot and Nail Care Nurses' - A Magnet Initiative

Michele (Shelly) Burdette-Taylor, PhD, RN-BC, CWCN, CFCN, TayLORD Health, LLC, CEO / Curriculum Designer, San Diego, CA
The aim of this initiative is to arm and mobilize certified foot and nail care nurses to facilitate intervention in an effort to reduce the number of injuries of the lower extremity that lead to amputation/s. Approximately 45-60% of foot ulcers are related to loss of protective sensation (LOPS) with another 45% having combined LOPS and lower extremity arterial disease (LEAD).  Approximately 50-80% of all non-traumatic amputations are diabetes-related complications with a foot wound as the leading cause for readmission.

Board certified foot care nurses are specialized in assessment, intervention, education, and referral.  A focus on foot care leads to an increase in referrals for therapeutic shoes, use of over-the-counter compression socks, and access to care for the older population having difficulty with mobility, sight, or cognitive ability.  Focusing on foot care reduce costs and hospital re-admissions for people with diabetes.

Comprehensive foot exams and a plan of care based on the risk assessment are completed initially.  During the foot and nail care intervention, foot care nurses provide the encounter observations, education, and referrals specifically to address an injury that may lead to an amputation.

Certified foot and nail care nurses ensure that patients who require therapeutic foot wear are fitted properly, and shoes and inserts are replaced.  The importance of on-going education for potential complications and the need to inspect feet daily are emphasized.

Timing is opportune for advanced practice nurses and Certified Foot Care Nurses to steer a Quality Reporting and Care Initiative using evidence-based practice guidelines to prevent complications and reduce the financial burden of the health care system.  The Institute of Healthcare Improvement and Institute of Medicine “The Future of Nursing Report” are in alignment for nurses to establish their skill sets and to practice at the full extent of their education and training.