1451 Various Uses of Active Leptospermum Honey on Neonatal and Pediatric Skin and Wound Problems

Roxana Reyna, BSN, RNC-NIC, WCC, Driscoll Chidrens Hospital, Wound Care Nurse, Corpu Christi, TX

To illustrate the various uses of Active Leptospermum Honey (ALH) on the neonatal/pediatric skin and wound problems in this patient population.


The goal is to demonstrate the rapid and safe resolution of the challenging skin and wound problems that can be found in this vulnerable patient population.


Case Study #1:  A 2 yr old with a history of eczema and psoriasis  complicated with pustular plantar psoriasis.  He presents with whole body pustules surrounded with halos of erythema and complaints of pain and itching.  Previous tx was topical  Triamcinolone soaks and aquaphor.  Outcome:  ALH with intravenous pharmacological therapy and was resolved in 6 days.

Case Study #2:  A newborn with a yeast prickly rash to the abdominal and perineal area treated prior for five days with topical Nystatin.  Outcome:  ALH  applied  with every diaper change.  The  rash progressed to healing after 3 days.

Case Study #3:  An infant with complications  from gastrostomy tube removal, and yeast was treated for 5 weeks previously with no-sting barrier and stoma powder crusting technique.  Outcome:  ALH gel was applied BID and progressed to healing with less noted redness and pain.

Case Study #4:  A newborn with cellulitis due to an intravenous extravasation to the left foot.  The wound was treated at a referring facility with topical antibiotic BID and non stick gauze for 3 days.   ALH was applied and immediate results were noted within 24 hours.   Outcome:  The wound healed within 2 months and a graft was avoided.

Photos will be presented with each case.


All four cases demonstrated a decrease in symptoms, a relief of pain, and progressed toward healing.

Conclusion:  ALH is effective in the safe management of fragile young patients with skin and wound issues due to its natural medicinal properties conducive to wound healing.