1436 Successful treatment of complicated wounds in the Acute care setting with 3 types of Active leptospermum honey dressings

Peggie Brooks, RN, BSN, CWOCN, CFCN and Molly McGill, RN, BSN, CMSRN, CWOCN, Saint Joseph Hospital, WOCN, Lexington, KY
Heavy emphasis to decrease length of stay in the hospital setting poses a great challenge for the WOC team to effectively manage complex wounds. Treatment plans must be initiated quickly using the most appropriate products to progress wounded patients toward goals, which include: decreasing non-viable tissue, decreasing pain and improving tissue quality. Active leptospermum honey (ALH) has been used in multiple studies to accomplish these goals. ALH dressings are now more versatile with addition of a hydrogel colloidal sheet (HCS) to ALH products.

Patient 1: 30 y/o male, Gonorrhea , chlamydia, prescribed oral antifungal & antibiotics, developed oral thrush, cheilosis, penile erythema. Next, prescribed fluconazole and antifungal ointment. Developed penile rash, seen in ER, given prednisone, admitted 7-26-12: shaft/glans of penis coated in yellow slough, epidydmal edema & severe pain reported (10/10) Applied  ALH-calcium alginate dressing (95% honey), covered with gauze/stockinette. Removed dressings 7-30-12, wounds 100% healthy tissue, pain decreased (6?/10)

Patient 2:  56 y/o male, admitted 10-19-12 with renal failure & shock. PMH: CVA, COPD, hypercholesterolemia, chromic pancreatitis, tabacco abuse and ischemic cardiomyopathy s/p 8 stent placements. Sacrococcygeal pressure ulcer unstageable, 100% yellow-white adherent slough. Applied ALH-HCS dressing (62% honey) observed 10-23-12 decreased slough to 80% reapplied ALH-HCS. Last seen on 10-26-12, 70% slough 30% healthy tissue.

Patient 3: 81 y/o female, admitted 10-25-12 with L LE cellulitis & infected wounds. PMH: Type 2DM, HTN, Hyperlipidemia, PVD, COPD, Breast Ca, CHF, Kidney dz, I & D’s for multiple abscesses. Stage 3 sacral PU & Two abscess sites remain open. Applied ALH-Gel (80% honey) in gauze covered by absorptive occlusive layer. On 10-29 all 3 wounds decreased approx 30% in surface area & volume, tissue quality 100% beefy granulation.

Positive outcomes for 3 patients in 4-7 days using 3 forms of ALH dressings in our 433 bed hospital.