Patient 1: 30 y/o male, Gonorrhea , chlamydia, prescribed oral antifungal & antibiotics, developed oral thrush, cheilosis, penile erythema. Next, prescribed fluconazole and antifungal ointment. Developed penile rash, seen in ER, given prednisone, admitted 7-26-12: shaft/glans of penis coated in yellow slough, epidydmal edema & severe pain reported (10/10) Applied ALH-calcium alginate dressing (95% honey), covered with gauze/stockinette. Removed dressings 7-30-12, wounds 100% healthy tissue, pain decreased (6?/10)
Patient 2: 56 y/o male, admitted 10-19-12 with renal failure & shock. PMH: CVA, COPD, hypercholesterolemia, chromic pancreatitis, tabacco abuse and ischemic cardiomyopathy s/p 8 stent placements. Sacrococcygeal pressure ulcer unstageable, 100% yellow-white adherent slough. Applied ALH-HCS dressing (62% honey) observed 10-23-12 decreased slough to 80% reapplied ALH-HCS. Last seen on 10-26-12, 70% slough 30% healthy tissue.
Patient 3: 81 y/o female, admitted 10-25-12 with L LE cellulitis & infected wounds. PMH: Type 2DM, HTN, Hyperlipidemia, PVD, COPD, Breast Ca, CHF, Kidney dz, I & D’s for multiple abscesses. Stage 3 sacral PU & Two abscess sites remain open. Applied ALH-Gel (80% honey) in gauze covered by absorptive occlusive layer. On 10-29 all 3 wounds decreased approx 30% in surface area & volume, tissue quality 100% beefy granulation.
Positive outcomes for 3 patients in 4-7 days using 3 forms of ALH dressings in our 433 bed hospital.