In the advent of technology in health care today, the WOCN at this cancer center has incorporated a tablet as a valuable tool in patient education for the new ostomates following a urinary or fecal diversion. Over the past year, the unit-based WOCN has developed a new PowerPoint presentation using Keynote App to enhance patients’ educational experience. Mountford, Jones, & Tucker, (20006) indicated that knowledge and skills are accomplished through experience and teaching method. The WOCN has recognized that patients learning styles are different and that techniques should be adjusted to accommodate patients’ learning. Using a tablet during teaching sessions has allowed the WOCN to tailor teaching sessions accordingly. Topics addressed are basic ostomy management, lifestyle issues, intimacy, and skin care issues. In addition, the tablet served as a visual aid tool. The images for the PowerPoint were accessed from the WOCN image library. Of the 10 patients interviewed by telephone a week after discharge, seven reported positive feedback. They also appreciated the immediate access on their smart device, which can be referred to at any point. The remaining patients indicated that it made no difference to learning. The introduction of technology for new ostomates has positively influenced patient education by creating a new method of meeting the needs of various learners.