1580 The versatile use of a Cyanoacrylate skin protectant in preventing and managing skin damage in a community hospital setting

Robin Knaff-Baker, RN, BSN, CWON, Valley Hospital and Medical Center, Wound/Ostomy Nurse, Spokane Valley, WA
The versatile use of Cyanoacrylate skin protectant in preventing and managing skin damage in a community hospital setting.

Background:  Skin damage is a common occurrence a hospital setting, though the causes of such damage may be quite diverse.  Damage to skin can sometimes complicate treatment.  Wound dressings, barriers, and solvent based skin barriers have all been used to prevent and manage  skin damage.There are situations when these traditional methods of managing skin issues do not work.  For example, the management of denuded skin around ostomy openings is very difficult in some patients given the damage caused by fluid leakage and adhesive removal.  We report the versatility of a Cyanoacrylate based skin barrier that demonstrated protection in a series of patients.

Methods:  We tested the product for a period of 60 days on patients whose skin condition was difficult to manage.  These cases were diverse, such as Periwound maceration and denudement, stage I and II pressure ulcers, tracheotomy related skin damage, and skin tears.  In each case, the product was applied on skin that had been patted dry with gauze, and allowed to cure.  The skin condition was monitored over time, and the product was reapplied as needed.

Conclusions:  We present ten cases that are quite diverse.  In each case, the patient skin responded within days of initial application, and the curing of the product on skin did not produce any pain response or any other adverse event.  The product stayed on all patients needing replacement on an average of once every three days.  The vial in which the product is delivered is small and covers an area approximately 4 inch X 4 inch.  Larger sized vials would be more appropriate in the application of the product in managing skin damage over a more extensive area.

*Marathon, Medline Industries Inc, Mundelein, Illinois