PURPOSE: The presentation ‘Raising the Scope Of Hope for Skin and Wound Management aim to contribute to the nurses wound care knowledge, through a creative comparative of airline safety instruction, and the body’s physiological changes impacting the skin.
METHOD: An adult education framework incorporated the airline safety model, in a power point presentation which took the attendees on an imaginary flight. The overbooking was presented as an opportunity to give up the seat as the brain would shunt blood in a crisis due to the skin’s ability to regenerate. The take- off instructions compared the pilot’s check list to hand off of information and skin assessment for all Cs color, coolness, and clarity. Communication with the control tower compared to the body’s reaction in a crisis and set the platform for the introduction of wound care terminology-microclimate- and products. Safe landing demonstrates coordination and team work.
CONCLUSION: The use of the adult education framework and an airline safety model contributed to building critical thinking skills for understanding the relevance of skin and wound management in the prevention of pressure ulcers. It is equally important to incorporate new concepts and products to sustain change at the bedside.
IMPLICATION: Alternative models combined with an adult education framework can contribute to the impetus for creative education presentations to keep nurses engaged for sustained improvements in healthcare.