The purpose of this abstract is to demonstrate the use of continuous diffusion of oxygen along with moisture absorbent dressing in the treatment of chronic wounds can reduce the duration of non-healing, refractory wounds with a reduction in dimensions of wound area and volume.
Patient age, previous wound age, prior treatments, co-morbidities and objective wound measurements were prospectively gathered to determine wound healing while being treated with the continuous diffusion of oxygen and a moisture absorbent dressing. The use of oxygen to treat wounds has recently undergone significant changes -which enable the efficacious and safe delivery of oxygen directly to the wound bed.1-3
Over 400 patients have been and are currently being treated with continuous diffusion of oxygen. These outcomes are significant when one takes into account that the majority of these wounds were treated with and failed other advanced wound therapies, such as negative pressure therapy, HBO Therapy, skin grafting, etc.
Overall success rate was 76% for compliant patients and overall compliance or adherence to therapy is 91%. The age of the wounds prior to application of continuous diffusion of oxygen therapy range from several weeks to over 15 years, with the average age of the wound prior to the start of therapy 466 days (-16 months). The time to achieve successful outcome is an average of 56 days (<2 months). Outcomes for various wound types are plotted on the chart.
Continuous diffusion of oxygen has shown to be efficacious on a wide variety of wounds. Overall, our findings are in line with a significant body of experimental data suggesting that increasing oxygen supply to diabetic and chronic wounds improves wound healing.
**continuous diffusion of oxygen -TransCu O2® EO2 Concepts®, San Antonio Tx
1-3 refernces.