Mary A. Gerlach, MSN, ACNS-BC, CWOCN

Clinical Nurse Specialist
Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals
15855 Nineteen Mile Road
Clinton Township MIUSA

Biographical Sketch:
 Mary Gerlach has been a registered nurse for 32 years, a certified WOC Nurse since 1989, and a Clinical Nurse Specialist since 1995.  She has worked in home health, acute care and out-patient health-care settings.  She currently works at an acute-care hospital in the Metropolitan Detroit area as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/WOC Nurse.  In 2010, she established an out-patient ostomy clinic, and has incorporated the SACs instrument, a scientifically validated tool into her practice.  In 2010, she co-authored an article in Ostomy, Wound Management, "Content Validation of a Standardized Algorithm for Ostomy Care".   She has also authored a book chapter in Nursing Clinics of North America, and several other journal articles related to wound, ostomy issues.  Mary has done presentations at the local, state and national levels related to wound, ostomy, and continence issues.