Colleen Drolshagen, RN, CNS, CWOCN

Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse
Cadence Health Systems
25 N. Winfield Road
Winfield ILUSA

Biographical Sketch:

Colleen has been a board-certified WOC Nurse since 1985.  She enjoys a full in-patient and out-patient practice, caring for those patients with ostomies, acute and chronic non-healing wounds, fistulas, and pressure ulcers. She has served on the national WOCNCB exam committee as a member and chair.  Also, she has served 2 consecutive terms on the national Board of the WOCN as a Director-at-Large and recently completed 2 terms on the National Nominations Committee. She has spoken nationally on many topics that typically present challenges for the WOC nurse. Colleen was recognized by the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing and was awarded the Clinical Manuscript Award in June, 2010.