Debra Netsch, DNP, APRN, CNP, CWOCN

Co-Director Web WOC nurse program
Web WOC nurse program
4317 Upton Avenue S. Suite A
Minneapolis MNUSA

Biographical Sketch:


Debra Netsch




Deb is employed as a family nurse practitioner and Wound Ostomy and Continence nurse for the Mankato Clinic in Mankato, Minnesota. Additionally, she is an associate director and a faculty member of the webWOCnurse education program, affiliated with Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, MN.  Deb also has a private practice, Continence Consulting, LLC.


Her educational background includes a bachelors degree in nursing from Morningside College in 1983, completion of Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse eductaion program at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in 1986, and a masters degree in nursing as a family nurse practitioner from Mankato State University in 1996.   She has just completed a doctorate of nursing practice through the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities DNP Consortium in May 2009.


Deb is active in the WOCN, serving currently on the national conference planning committee, and the center for clinical investigations board. She also serves on the SUNA advance practice continence nurse in long term care task force. She is an international speaker, preceptor, researcher and author.