CS14-036 Using Music as an Adjuvant Therapy during Dressing Changes

Dona Isaac, MSN/ED, CWCN, COCN, Gastric Mixed Tumor & Colorectal, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
 Music evokes different meanings or connections for every individual by producing personal responses. It can ease one’s anxiety or alleviate pain through various interactions from sounds. Over the past two years, the CWOCN (wound ostomy continence nurse) at this cancer center has been using music therapy during complex dressing changes.

Patients with acute wounds often experience pain during dressing changes. Prior to these procedures, patients are informed of what to expect during dressing changes. Unfortunately, in a series of case studies the CWOCN found that patients become very self-absorbed and anxious with much anticipation to the activity. Using a tablet, patients were offered to listen to music tracks of their preferred choice. This deviation strategy has reduced significantly the amount of narcotics used prior by half the dose or a third. 

The findings revealed that the use of various styles of music based on patients’ choice contributed to a positive experience for patients during complex dressing changes.