A reduction in reimbursement by CMS has financially impacted acute care hospitals in regards to hospital acquired pressure ulcer occurrence. The Department of Public Health, in most states, reporting criteria for such adverse events has both publicly and financially impacted healthcare institutions. With financial constraints hitting most acute care settings a challenge has been created amongst wound care leaders in regards to the prevention of hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU’s).
Our purpose is preventing HAPU’s among a vulnerable aging population, reducing skin injuries is priority in all healthcare settings.The communication of patients with vulnerable skin issues has been a challenge resulting in a delay of implementation of preventative measures. We have created an environment of increased awareness through real time reporting to trigger accelerated implementation of pressure ulcer reduction measures. Real time reporting is generated by the documentation of a pressure ulcer within the electronic medical record on admission and when a new alteration in skin integrity occurs. The report notifies the wound care leaders of occurrence thereby prompting a consultation for a wound evaluation. With real time reporting the reduction of HAPU’s has significantly decreased by 50% as of October 2013.
1) Timely implementation of interventions to prevent the deterioration of identified pressure ulcer prevention measures
2) Decrease the incidence rate of HAPU’s
3) Ensure timely and efficient communication between executive level administrators, wound and skin leadership, and direct care nurses
Pressure ulcer incidence data has continued to decrease over the past year. This comprehensive approach has not only reduced pressure ulcer occurrence but has improved overall quality care, communication and impacted the financial stability of the hospital.