Connie Johnson, BSN, RN, WCC, LLE, OMS
MNO Staff Nurses
Purpose: Discuss management of oral wounds utilizing active Leptospermum honey (ALH).1 It was not possible to photograph oral cavity however this case series will detail 5 out of 50 patients within the last 6 months treated for oral lesions.
Method: All patients received orders for ALH paste PRN. common application 4-5 hours. #1-32yo female dx Stevens–Johnson syndrome after sulpha drug anaphylaxis bullous covering >70% body including oral cavity. ALH initiated patient able to eat, drink, and swallow within 12 hours of application. #2-2yo boy hand, foot, mouth disease oral mucosa including throat extensively reddened, irritated, impairing swallowing. Patient tolerated fluids after 12hr solids 24 hrs. #3-58yo male presented with ulcerating lesions to oral mucosa after radiation. Patient instructed to apply ALH with cotton swab applicator and reported relief within 24 hours and began tolerating food. #4-76yo female post dental surgery presented with pain, swelling and several open areas. Within 24hrs of ALH application, patient reported initiation of healing and resumed diet. #5-56yo male presented with lesions to oral cavity after receiving chemotherapy casing inability to eat. Within 24hrs of application of ALH patient was able to resume diet.
Result: There is no gold standard for wound healing in oral cavity.2 Magic mouth wash, lidocaine, swish and swallow may cause burning. Patients report that ALH tastes good and when applied to oral mucosa reduces discomfort and as the ALH mixes with saliva can be swallowed to sooth throat. With a complex variety of patient diagnoses, ages, and co-morbidities that may coincide with oral wounds, having ALH available has been a successful option to assist with healing.
Conclusion: ALH has offered a new option for management of oral wounds.