In this case series, a convenience sample of 20 patients with a total of 30 necrotic wounds of various etiologies were selected, at clinician discretion. The 100% Manuka honey impregnated sheets were applied per the instructions for use, and an appropriate secondary dressing was used. Wound measurements include wound size, percent necrotic tissue, odor score (1-10 being the worst), erythema score (0-4 being severe). Pain (1-10 worst) on application and 10 minutes post-application and ease of change (1-5 difficult) scores were recorded.
The patients were seen for an average of six days. The average initial and final wound sizes were 23.17 cm2 and 14.93cm cm2, or an 36% average reduction in wound size. The average initial and final percent necrotic tissue was 69.50% and 42.26%, so there was a 39% average reduction in necrotic tissue. The average wound odor score was 0.82, and the average erythema score was 0.41. The pain scores on application and 10 minutes post-application averaged 1.28 and 1.24. The average change score was 1.01, or no difficulty.
The 100% Manuka honey impregnated sheets promoted a moist wound healing environment conducive to autolytic debridement and enhanced wound healing.