PR15-019 Annual Education Event for Individuals with an Ostomy

Debbie Miller, MN, RN, CETN(C), Oncology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
In October 2010 the first annual event for individuals with an ostomy was launched at an academic, health sciences centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Fully supported by the Oncology Program, this event provides the opportunity for people living with a temporary or permanent ostomy and their family members or supports to come together in a supportive, learning environment.  The event which has been held four times thus far is in keeping with the patient education philosophy “to provide the right education, at the right time, to the right people, in the right way”. Free of charge to participants, this unique event is designed to provide education on various ostomy related topics, to promote informal networking and to increase participants understanding of various ostomy and accessory products available on the market through the interaction with industry representatives.   In addition, the importance of understanding the patient perspective is embedded into each event during the patient voice segment, which often inspires those in attendance.  This presentation will provide participants with the tools necessary to create their own educational event.  The timing, structure and location of the event will be discussed as well as vendor engagement and support, strategies to promote and sustain the event, topics of interest to participants and the overall impact this event has on individuals based on program evaluations.