Assessment and documentation are key elements to ensure reimbursement for patients admitted with pressure ulcers. It is important that all nurses receive consistent education on caring for the patient who is at risk or presenting with a pressure ulcer. In 2013, the Wound Care Specialists at an accredited Level 1 Regional Resource Trauma Center in an urban community assessed the need to develop a comprehensive process for the professional bedside nursing staff which included: pressure ulcer prevention, identification, assessment, documentation, and topical management. Comprehensive nursing education included a monthly newsletter, development of evidence-based nurse driven interdisciplinary plans of care for pressure ulcer prevention and management, eight hour PSNA approved wound and ostomy class and initiation of a skin defense committee. Annual pressure ulcer competency for Registered Nurses was conducted over a three year period, which included assessment and computer documentation of a pressure ulcer. First time pass rate of the competency increased during this time frame. While there was an established increase, consistent errors were noted. Modification of the computer documentation system for pressure ulcers was an identified need.