CS16-008 Specialized home care for ostomy patients: a strategy for rehabilitation in the Brazilian context

Camila Shimura, PhD STUDENT; CWOCN1, Francisco Tiago, BSN, RN, CWOCN2, Helena Megumi Sonobe, PHD, MSN, BSN, WOCN2 and Janaína da Silva, MSN, BSN, RN2, (1)UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO, RIBEIRAO PRETO, Brazil, (2)University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
The home care visit by a WOCN nurse is a strategy to ensure the postoperative rehabilitation of patients with intestinal ostomy. Aimed to evaluate three patients in to identify the demands of nursing care needs to encourage the rehabilitation of these patients. Prospective case study of 3 patients with intestinal diseases (cancer and inflammatory disease), assessed by the WOCN nurse in home care, with printed and photographic records. Result: Case 1. male patient, 78 years old, with obesity, hypertension and diabetes diagnosed two months ago with colorectal cancer with terminal ileostomy; (changing the equipment several times a day; low adhesion to the skin); cut larger base than the stoma; absence in use of ostomy supplies; it has identified the need to adapt the equipment. Case 2. A male patient, 75 years old, underweight, diagnosed 3 months ago with colorectal cancer in adjuvant cancer chemotherapy, with ileostomy terminal for 15 days; identified the need to adapt the size of the equipment due to the reduction of postoperative edema ostomy. Case 3: female, 45 years old, 15 years diagnosed with Crohn's disease, has terminal ileostomy for 10 years, the patient reported that 5 years performs larger cuts of the base plate, for which said received guidance of practitioners. In all cases, there were clinical evaluation by the WOCN nurse identifying contact dermatitis as a complication due to inappropriate use of equipment and ostomy supplies; the interventions were: treatment of contact dermatitis in peristomal region, indicating adequate equipment and ostomy supplies for each patient; teaching about basic aspects of nutrition for ostomy patient (ileostomy). The WOCN nurse care was essential in resolving complications such as contact dermatitis, which is a major problem in postoperative rehabilitation of these patients, as well as prevent and promote the return to activities of daily life and society.