RS16-032 Cyanoacrylate Barrier Film for the Management of Painful Moisture Associated Skin Damage

Kevin Woo, PhD, RN, Nursing, Queens University, Kimgston, ON, Canada

Moisture associated skin damages (MASD) are common and constitute a significant disease burden to patients and the health care system  [1].  Moisture related skin damage is linked to a number of complications including contact irritant/allergic dermatitis, cutaneous fungal/bacterial infection, and pain [1].  The purpose of this cross sectional study is to determine the effectiveness of cyanoacrylate barrier film for the treatment of painful MASD.

Method: Data was collected from a convenience sample of 39 patients in a chronic care facility.  All participants of the study were between 18-85 years of age and they have evidence of MASD. Cyanoacrylate barrier was used for the treatment of MASD for seven days.  All moisture associated skin damages were evaluated on 5 dimensions including pain, erythema, maceration, erosion/denudement, and  exudation on scales of 0-10; the higher the score the more severe was the clinical presentation.  Evaluation was completed on day 0 and day 7.  


After a 7-day use of cyanoacrylate barrier, significant improvement was noticed in pain (p=0.05), erythema (p=0.003), erosion (p=0.006), and exudate (p=0.017) according to paired t-tests. All superficial lesions improved over time with the treatment of cyanoacrylate barrier film.


Results of this study indicate that cyanoacrylate barrier film is effective in the treatment of painful lesions associated with MASD.

1. Gray M, Black JM, Baharestani MM, Bliss DZ, Colwell JC, Goldberg M, Kennedy-Evans KL, Logan S, Ratcliff CR. Moisture-associated skin dam- age: overview and pathophysiology. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse. 2011;38(3):233–41.