CS16-021 Nursing Intervention from Woc Nurse in Treatment of Venous Insufficiency Complicated: Case Study

Marco Antonio da Silva Freitas1, Janaína da Silva, MSN, BSN, RN2, Evil Merodaque Decol1, Rosana Frazatto Pedroso, Nursing student3 and Camila Megumi Naka Shimura, PhD Student, CWOCN, BSN, RN4, (1)University Estácio of Sá Ourinhos, Ourinhos, Brazil, (2)University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, (3)University Estácio of Sá, Ourinhos, Brazil, (4)School of Nursing at University of São Paulo, CWOCN, Ribeirão Preto/São Paulo, Brazil
INTRODUCTION: Chronic venous insufficiency is responsible for more than 50% cases of lower extremity wounds in Brazil, This is a problem of public Health. The chronic venous ulcers is consequence of venous insufficiency mainly together with excessive drainage result in pruritus, pain, periwound maceration and swelling leg. CLINICAL PROBLEM: Case Study 3 patients with chronic venous ulcers for long time, all of the wounds displayed delayed or stalled healing and were attended by WOC Nurse. Case 1: 45, female, diabetic foot and venous insufficiency, deep wound and necrosis in finger, It was needed the amputation, a little pain, swelling leg and difficulty for walking by 2 years. Case 2: 65, female, chronic venous wounds, strong pain, pruritus, excoriation and swelling leg by 8 years. Case 3: 68, male, with chronic venous wound, pain and swelling leg by 5 years. INTERVENTION: We used hydrofiber dressing with silver, protecting the periwound skin barrier like creams and ointments, mechanic debridement and compression wraps, during 6 months, with teaching self-care (like physics activity, alimentation, wound care) for the patient by WOC Nurse. RESULTS: There was complete healing of chronic venous ulcers, swealling leg and improve pain in three weeks, all the patients. The patient case 1 did not use the compression wraps because She had diabetic foot. CONCLUSIONS: The specialized nursing intervention from WOC Nurse with indication of treatment for the patient, use of hydrofiber dressing with silver and compression wraps resulted in wound healing, auto-esteem improving and resumption of daily activities for patients and preventing after healing a new wound.