INTRODUCTION: Chronic venous insufficiency is responsible for more than 50% cases of lower extremity wounds in Brazil, This is a problem of public Health. The chronic venous ulcers is consequence of venous insufficiency mainly together with excessive drainage result in pruritus, pain, periwound maceration and swelling leg. CLINICAL PROBLEM: Case Study 3 patients with chronic venous ulcers for long time, all of the wounds displayed delayed or stalled healing and were attended by WOC Nurse. Case 1: 45, female, diabetic foot and venous insufficiency, deep wound and necrosis in finger, It was needed the amputation, a little pain, swelling leg and difficulty for walking by 2 years. Case 2: 65, female, chronic venous wounds, strong pain, pruritus, excoriation and swelling leg by 8 years. Case 3: 68, male, with chronic venous wound, pain and swelling leg by 5 years. INTERVENTION: We used hydrofiber dressing with silver, protecting the periwound skin barrier like creams and ointments, mechanic debridement and compression wraps, during 6 months, with teaching self-care (like physics activity, alimentation, wound care) for the patient by WOC Nurse. RESULTS: There was complete healing of chronic venous ulcers, swealling leg and improve pain in three weeks, all the patients. The patient case 1 did not use the compression wraps because She had diabetic foot. CONCLUSIONS: The specialized nursing intervention from WOC Nurse with indication of treatment for the patient, use of hydrofiber dressing with silver and compression wraps resulted in wound healing, auto-esteem improving and resumption of daily activities for patients and preventing after healing a new wound.