Challenge -- In House Acquired Pressure Ulcers (IHAPUs)
- August, 2013: Facility - acquired pressure ulcers = 4% to 5% (118 PUs in 49 communities)
- No company- wide pressure ulcer prevention (PUP) plan for residents in skilled care - reactive vs. proactive
- Supply rooms: Inconsistent availability of PUP products
- The need for buy - in from community staff
- Cost to treat pressure ulcers -- reported as $500 to $70,000 per ulcer - $11 billion annually in the US Plan -- Pressure Ulcer Prevention Plan
- My company had established a goal of ≤ 2% IHAPUs
- Identified products for skin and wound care management
- worked with manufacturer representatives to develop quick reference guides and education about product use
- developed and implemented other PUP interventions
Implementation of Plan: October 2013 for all 49 communities
Protection and Prevention for all residents
- On admission to skilled setting, Long term care or rehab all residents receive
- A set of skin care products depending on their individual need; ph. balanced hair and body wash, cleanser, moisturizer, barrier ointment or cream (bed confined, wheel chair confined) receive a kit and the ambulatory receive a kit
- silicone adhesive hydrocellular foam dressing applied to boney prominences depending upon individual identified risk factor ( Pressure Ulcer Risk tool identifier of ≤ 16 or any sub-score identifier placing the resident at risk)
- Orders for silicone adhesive hydrocellular foam dressing established to be written for prevention; assess dressing, surrounding skin and skin under dressing q shift and PRN for dislodgement
- Dietary consult for Nutrition for all at risk residents, new pressure ulcers, change of condition, and if resident is admitted with PU/s
- Turning frequency
- Support Surface/device
- Clinical Judgment
December 2013:
June 2014
Company 0.62% IHAPUs