Title: Having the Right Pieces in Place to Prevent Pressure Ulcers the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
The purpose of this evidence-based practice project was to implement assessment and interventions strategies to reduce pediatric pressure ulcers below NDNQI benchmarks in the PICU.
House-wide quarterly pressure ulcer prevalence audits are completed. There has been an increase in pressure ulcers in the PICU since January 2014.
Strategy and Implementation
- Skin Team Advocate Resource (S.T.A.R.) members on the unit were encouraged and supported to complete the Wound Treatment Associate Program. .
- Collaboration with ECMO team to develop and incorporate enhanced education and protocols for skin care. Started in Summer 2014 and Development of order sets
- Additional education with PICU staff
- Improved handoff report between PICU and OR regarding positioning devices and protective positioning devices.
- Including pressure ulcer prevention interventions in the nursing comments of the bedside nursing handoff section.
- Pediatric Wound and Skin Specialty Nurse attending Division Bed Huddles
- Adaptation to routine nursing practices through nursing skin care protocols that could be instituted without orders Heel protection developed
- Updating and distribution of unit specific tool kits for skin care and pressure ulcer prevention
- Online yearly inservice on pressure ulcer and moisture related skin damage prevention.
- Inservicing on new products for skin care
- Implement Consult to the Pediatric Wound and Skin Specialty Nurse when ECMO is started
- Developed skin care algorithms for bedside staff. Skin Tear Algorithm, Dressing Care, IAD Algorithms
- Monthly “mini-audits for the PICU
- Encourage the STARs who have completed the WTA Program to become certified when the test is available.
With increased education and implementation of the current strategies we are reducing the number of pressure ulcers and increasing the overall awareness of pressure ulcer prevention among the PICU staff.