Gentian Violet/ Methylene Blue Polyurethane Antibacterial Foam Helped Manage Wounds Caused by Refractory Cystic Acne in a Teenage Patient

Traci Tillery, MSN, FNP-BC, CWOCN-AP, CFCN, Specialty Services, Floyd Medical Center, Rome, GA
Gentian Violet/ Methylene Blue Polyurethane Antibacterial Foam Helped Manage Wounds Caused by Refractory Cystic Acne in a Teenage Patient

Purpose: The efficacy of treatment options for wounds caused by cystic acne remains a challenge for many. With the ever evolving advanced wound care products being implemented, in this one case, effective results were achieved.

Methods:  This photographic case study highlighted the management of wounds caused by refractory cystic acne  with the application of Gentian Violet/ Methylene Blue Polyurethane (GV/MB PU) antibacterial foam. This teenage male was introduced to our practice after 3 years of previous multiple failed therapies. Therapies to treat the refractory cyctic acne included acne treatment face wash, manuka honey, antibiotic washes and mulitple topical therapies. Systemic treatments included extended periods of prednisone, various combinations of antibiotics, and two rounds  on an oral retinoid. Holistic approaches were also attempted which included eliminating foods such as dairy, gluten, corn, and sugar. 

Initally, a silicone contact layer was used  and held in place by a compression garment. Due to silicone contact layer sliding and not staying over the wounds, the dressing was changed to silver foam dressing.

Results: After 4 weeks of wound management and no improvement, dressing was changed to using GV/MB PU antibacterial foam changed every 3-5 days. After two weeks using GV/MB PU antibacterial foam, there was a reduction of pain medication. The patient reported feeling better and the oral retinoid was stopped. Seven weeks later, the patient no longer needed wound dressing therapy. He was able to wear clothes without any dressings underneath and was able to take a shower for the first time in three years.

Conclusion: Wounds caused by refractory cystic acne can be a challenging skin alteration to treat. GV/MB PU antibacterial foam was used in the successful resolution of cystic acne wounds.