PROCESS: Despite various intensive prevention strategies by the nursing staff, hospital-acquired pressure injuries continued to challenge a 350-bed, acute-care non-teaching regional hospital in the Southwestern United States. Realizing that pressure injury prevention is a facility-wide responsibility, an interprofessional task force was developed. The departments represented included medical/surgical units, critical-care unit, radiology, peri-operative services, physical therapy, transport services, cardiac catheterization lab, respiratory services, trauma/emergency services, clinical informatics, nursing administration, education, infection prevention, dietary, and environmental services. Research was conducted on current evidence-based prevention strategies and many hospital-wide initiatives were implemented. Specialty areas also developed and executed unit-specific action plans. This committed team worked collaboratively to implement changes in products, practice, documentation, communication, and education. These new practice strategies resulted in positive changes in patient outcomes as evidenced by a reduction in hospital-acquired pressure injuries.
OUTCOMES: The acute-care hospital-acquired prevalence benchmark is 5% (2015, Black). Through the efforts of this interprofessional task force and the bedside nursing staff, the hospital has seen a reduction in hospital-acquired pressure injuries from 8.29% to 3%.