ePI92 Development and Implementation of a Clinical Pathway for Patients Undergoing Ostomy Surgery in Saudi Arabia

Emma Daza, DNP, CWON, CFCN1, Sharon Dudley-Brown, PhD, FNP-BC2 and Ahmad Rizwan, MBChB1, (1)Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (2)Johns Hopkins University, Schools of Medicine & Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Schools of Medicine & Nursing, Baltimore, MD

Objective: The objective of this project is to improve the quality of care that would enhance the quality of life of adult patients with new ostomy surgery through the development and implementation of an evidence-based stoma pathway.The aims were to (1) assess patients’ referral rate prior to elective ostomy surgery for stoma marking and teaching; (2) increase ostomy related patient/family member knowledge; (3) assess patient overall satisfaction in the utilization of the out-patient stoma clinic service.

Methods: This is a quality improvement project that includes auditing of the referral rate of an adult patients 18 years and older prior to elective ostomy surgery for stoma site marking and initial ostomy teaching from January- June, 2017,  pre and post ostomy related knowledge study of patient/family member, and the patient satisfaction survey. A total of 12 patients were included in the study, majority of the patients were female 58. 3%  (n=7) and 41.7% (n=5) male. Pre and post intervention were given either to the patient themselves or to family members. Six patients received the direct intervention and 6 intervention were given to the family members. In addition, a modified Press Ganey satisfaction survey was also distributed to the participants in the out-patient stoma clinic visit.


Conclusion: The developed and implemented stoma pathway improved the quality of care that enhance the quality of life  of patients who have had ostomy surgery. First, a 100% adherence rate was achieved for stoma site marking and teaching. Second, it is concluded that there was a significant improvement in participants ostomy related knowledge/skill. Therefore, training on ostomy related knowledge should be provided pre and postoperatively. Third, patient satisfaction in the utilization of the out- patient stoma clinic was achieved.

Key words: CWOCN, stoma pathway, ostomy related knowledge, patient satisfaction.