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Use of a Transparent Absorbent Acrylic Dressing* on a Stage II Pressure Ulcer of the Sacrum

Marie Brown-Etris, RN, CWOCN, Marian Punchello, LPN, and Theresa O’Connor, RN, BSN, CWOCN. Etris Associates, Inc., Clinical Nurse Specialist, 14450 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19116

CLINICAL PROBLEM: The sacrum is a particularly challenging location for adhesion of absorbent wound dressings. Body contours, moisture, friction and shear all contribute to short dressing wear time. A case study is presented demonstrating utility of a new, highly conformable, transparent absorbent acrylic dressing in the management of a pressure ulcer located on the sacrum. An 89-year old female presented with a three month history of a Stage II sacral pressure ulcer. Other significant medical problems included a right hip fracture s/p ORIF, history of rectal/colon cancer, gastroesophageal disease, and neurogenic bladder (but was continent during the observation period). The patient had a Braden pressure ulcer risk assessment score of 21. PAST ULCER MANAGEMENT: Previous ulcer treatment included pressure relief (low-air-loss mattress with a two hour turning schedule) and a hydrocolloid dressing. Initial ulcer size was 0.96 cm2 with a small amount of serosanguineous drainage. CLINICAL APPROACH: Pressure relief was continued and the ulcer dressing was changed to the transparent absorbent acrylic dressing. PATIENT OUTCOMES: Mean dressing wear time was 7.6 days (range 7 to 9 days), and the ulcer healed by the week six visit. CONCLUSIONS: Transparency of the new transparent absorbent acrylic dressing allowed for inspection of the wound without dressing removal. This feature allows for wound assessment with less disruption to the wound and patient. This feature may also facilitate improved dressing wear time and fewer dressing changes, resulting in lower treatment costs with improved nursing productivity, patient comfort and quality of life.

*3M™ Tegaderm™ Absorbent Clear Acrylic Dressing

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