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WOCN Homepage |
Research Poster Abstracts | |||
256 | A Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Vacuum-Assisted Closure Treatment for Hospitalized Diabetic Foot Ulcer Wound Patients Jean de Leon, MD, Elizabeth Miller, Michael Keith, PhD, PharmD | ||
260 | A Randomized Comparative Clinical Evaluation of a Transparent Absorbent Acrylic Dressing* and a Hydrocolloid Dressing† on Stage II and III Pressure Ulcers Marie Brown-Etris, RN, CWOCN, Marian Punchello, LPN, Theresa O’Connor, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, CS, CWOCN, Heather Orsted, RN, BN, ET, MSc, Nancy Couture, RN, Martine Albert, RN, BScN, Edie Attrell, RN, BN, ET, Judy Gates, BSN, RNc, CWS, Debra Netsch, MSN, RN, FNP, CWOCN, Ellen Vorbeck, RN, MSN, ANP-BC, CWOCN, Julie Freyberg, RN, CWOCN | ||
251 | A Review of Moist Wound Healing David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
217 | A Simple Comparative Moisture Barrier Test that Requires No Instrumentation James B. Lutz, BS, MS, CCRA | ||
214 | An Economic Evaluation of Skin Damage Prevention Regimens Among Nursing Home Residents with Incontinence: Product Costs Donna Z. Bliss, PhD, RN, FAAN | ||
229 | Are Peristomal skin Disorders Inevitable? Per Herlufsen, RN, ET, Anne Grete Olsen, RN, Bente Carlsen, RN, Gregor B.E. Jemec, MD, DMed, Sci., Tonny Karlsmark, MD, DMed, Sci., Hanne Nybæk, MD | ||
267 | Bariatric Surgery: Concerns about Discharge Home Barbara Pieper, PhD, RN, CWOCN, FAAN, Mary Sieggreen, MSN, APRN, BC, CVN, Pauline Kulwicki, MS, RN, APN, Barbara Freeland, MSN, APRN, BC, CDE, Madelyn Frattaroli, MSN, RN, APN, Deborah Sidor, MSN, CCRN, APRN, BC, Maria Teresa Palleschi, MSN, RN, CCRN, Jerry Burns, MSN, ACRN, CS, CNP, Donna Bednarski, MSN, RN, CNN, CS, CNP, Cheryl Nordstrom, PhD | ||
253 | Characterization of the Local Wound Environment Following Treatment of Chronic Leg Ulcers with SIS Wound Matrix Jason P. Hodde, MS, Michael C. Hiles | ||
242 | Comparing the Effects of Two Topically Applied Skin Care Formulations on the Barrier Properties of the Skin via a Series of Biophysical Measurements David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
249 | Comparison of the Absorbency of a Slow Release Cadexomer Iodine Antimicrobial Dressing to Various Absorbent Wound Dressings David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
250 | Comparison of the Antimicrobial Activity of a Slow Release Cadexomer Iodine Antimicrobial Dressing to Various Silver Based Antimicrobial Dressings David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
247 | Comparison of the Moisture Control Capability of a Novel Foam Dressing to a Variety of Hydrocolloid Dressings David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
246 | Comparison of the Moisture Control Capability of a Variety of Foam Dressings David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
241 | Comparison of Two Foam Dressings with Respect to Skin Stripping upon Removal and the Associated Pain David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
216 | Cost-Effective, Quality Care for the Patient with Incontinence Lynn Dieter, BS, RN, CWCN, COCN, Colleen Drolshagen, BSN, RN, CWOCN, Karen Blum, MS, RN, APN/CWOCN | ||
222 | Developing a Curriculum Design for Staff on Ostomy Management and Patient Education within a Research Framework Susan Kay Bohnenkamp, MS, RN, CCM, Ann Blackett, MS, RN, CWCN, COCN, CPHQ | ||
265 | Effect of Papain-Urea-Copper Chlorophyllin on Healing Quality in Porcine Model of Acute Infected Full-Thickness Wounds Kan Lam, BS, Dale Telgenhoff, PhD, Mary Cooper, DVM, Kristine Villareal, BS, Sarah Ramsay, MA, Valerie Vasquez, BS, Paul Attar, PhD, MBA, Braham Shroot, PhD | ||
264 | Effects of Papain-Urea-Copper Chlorophyllin Ointment and Its Active Components on Healing in Acute Infected Pig Wounds Dale Telgenhoff, PhD, Kan Lam, BS, Mary Cooper, DVM, Kristine Villareal, BS, Sarah Ramsay, MA, Valerie Vasquez, BS, Paul Attar, PhD, MBA, Braham Shroot, PhD | ||
215 | Evaluation and Implementation of Evidence Based Practice for Foley Catheters Ann Marie Kahl, MS, RN, CWOCN | ||
213 | Evaluation of Skin Protectant Barriers Donald Gerrish, BS, Chemistry, Kevin Tauer, BS, Chemistry, Joseph Bequette, Intern, Chemistry, Medea Myhra, BA, Chemistry | ||
237 | Evaluation of the efficacy and necessary characteristics of decubitus ulcer prevention measures using electronic nursing record Mikie Kofuji, R.N., M.N., Megumi Teshima, R.N., M.N., Midori Nagano, R.N., M.N., E.T., Chihoko Sakurai, R.N., M.N. | ||
221 | Evaluation of two integrated outlets - Summary of a multi center comparative, randomized,open, crossover investigation Barbara Munson, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Cindy Owens, Julia Ringhofer, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Lorena Eckert, RN, NSN, PHN, CWOCN, Susan Wood, RN, CWOCN, PhD, Patrice Muse, RN, MSN, CWOCN, Cindy Fontana, RN, BS, CWOCN | ||
220 | Evaluation of two integrated outlets. Summary of a multi center, comparative, randomized, open, crossover investigation Wendy Fiorenzo, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Janet Shafner, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Rose Konsel, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Raquel Branom, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Jean Crouch, RN, BSN, CWON, Cecilia Zamarripa, Mary Montague, MSN, APRN, BC, CWOCN, Donna Loehner, BSN, CWOCN, Kerry Casey | ||
243 | How do you decide which topical antibiotics to choose for chronic wounds? Catherine Ratliff, PhD, APRN-BC, CWOCN, Angela Grant, BA | ||
219 | Impact of Treatment With Transdermal Oxybutynin on Pad Use and Nocturia in Patients With OAB: Results From the MATRIX Study Madeline R. Cafiero, RN, FNP, WOCN, Cynthia Maloney-Monaghan, RNC, MS, FNP | ||
259 | Investigation of Interface Pressure Changes on an Air Fluidized System Rosalyn S. Jordan, RN, BSN, CWOCN | ||
238 | Job Classification, Salary, and Satisfaction of Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses in Central Illinois Nancy Chatham, R.N., B.S., C.W.O.C.N. | ||
223 | Laboratory Measurements and User Appreciation of a Novel Ostomy Pouch Additive with Both Lubricating and Deodorizing Benefits Richard I. Murahata, Ph.D., Bettakeri Udayakumar, Ph.D., Michael Riemer, B.S., Thomas Nichols, M.S., MBA | ||
245 | Long-Term Care US 2005 International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Survey Results Catherine VanGilder | ||
236 | Methods of in-house education on pressure ulcers in larger hospitals Chihoko Sakurai, RN, MN, Midori Nagano, RN, MN, ET, Tomoe Ebata, RN, MN, ET, Yasuko Ogata, RN, PhD, Megumi Teshima, RN, MN, Naoko Yamada, RN, ET, Chiaki Mukai, RN, ET, KEIKO TOKUNAGA, BSN, RN, ET, Takehiko Oura, MD, PhD | ||
232 | National Pressure Ulcer Prevalence and Incidence Study - Seven Years of Data Kathy Whittington, RN, MS, ET, CWCN, Robin Briones, BBA | ||
234 | Nosocomial Pressure Ulcers in Acute Care: A Descriptive Study of Patients at Risk Ellen Duell, APRN, MSN, CWOCN, CCRN, BC, Ann Navage, APRN, MSN, CWOCN, BC, Margaret Ambrose, MPH, BSN, Gayna Swart, MS | ||
231 | Online Wound, Ostomy, Continence Education: a 5 Year Report Card Bonnie Sue Rolstad, RN, MS, CWOCN, Ruth A. BRYANT, RN, MS, CWOCN, JoAnn M. Ermer-Seltun, RN, MS, FNP, CWOCN, Debra Netsch, MSN, RN, FNP, CWOCN, Denise Nix, RN, MS, CWOCN, Marilyn Loen, PhD, RN | ||
233 | Pressure reducing mattress to help take care of patients with pressure ulcers in large hospitals in Japan Midori Nagano, R.N., M.S., E.T., Toyoko Kuroda, R.N., E.T., Ebata Tomoe, R.N., M.S., E.T., Teshima Megumi, R.N., M.S., Yasuko Ogata, ph.D., R.N., Chihoko Sakurai, R.N., M.S., Sasai Tomoko, R.N., E.T., Tokunaga Keiko, R.N., E.T., Ohura Takehiko, M.D., phD. | ||
226 | Problems and status of outpatients with stomas who are 80 years old or older Yoko Ishida, RN, MSN, Keiko Tokunaga, RN, BSN, ET, Midori Nagano, RN, MN, ET, Yoshiko Ando, RN, Satoshi Iida, MD, PhD, Kunio Tsukada | ||
255 | Repeat Challenge Testing of a Slow Release Cadexomer Iodine Dressing Against VRE (Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus) David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
228 | Retrospective Study of Factors Affecting Pre- and Post-Operative Health Self-Assessments in Ostomates Thomas Nichols, M.S., MBA, Michael Riemer, B.S. | ||
227 | Retrospective Study of the Effect of Increased Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse Care on Ostomate Adaptation and Perception of Life with a Stoma Michael Riemer, B.S., Thomas Nichols, M.S., MBA | ||
240 | Rheological Characterization of Several Antifungal Barrier Formulations David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
257 | Setting a Treatment Regime for Traumatic Wounds David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
239 | Skin temperature as a predictor of pressure ulcer risk Mary Pat Rapp, DSN(c), Nancy Bergstrom, PhD, RN, FAAN, Nikhil S. Padhye, PhD | ||
225 | Status and Problems on patients with stomas who receive long-term support at out patient clinic Yoshiko Ando, RN, Keiko Tokunaga, RN, BSN, ET, Midori Nagano, RN, MN, ET, Yoko Ishida, RN, MSN, Satoshi Iida, MD, PhD, Kunio Tsukada, MD, PhD | ||
252 | The Compatibility of a Nanocrystalline Silver Antimicrobial Dressings with Various Dressings Types David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
266 | The Impact of Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Leg Function on Quality of Life for HIV Positive Persons Barbara Pieper, PhD, RN, CWOCN, FAAN, Thomas Templin, PhD, John R. Ebright, MD | ||
254 | The Importance of Bacterial Strains and Kill Rate in Evaluating the Efficacy of Silver Antimicrobial Wound Dressings David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
235 | The Lived Experience of the Wound Ostomy & Continence Nurses in Wound Care Cynthia Sylvia, MA, CWOCN, RN | ||
218 | The Prevalence of Stress Urinary Incontinence in High School and College Age Female Athletes in the Midwest: Evidence of Stigma & Implications for Education and Prevention Carrie Carls, RN, BSN, CWOCN | ||
248 | The Safety of a Nanocrystalline Silver Antimicrobial Dressing and Effect on Efficacy in Conjunction with Hyperbaric Therapy David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry | ||
212 | The Superior Characteristics of Absorption and Skin Coverage from a Polyester Perineal Cloth Versus a Polyester / Rayon Blend Cloth Medea A. Myhra, BA, Kevin C. Tauer, BS, Joseph P. Bequette | ||
224 | Unmet Needs of the Ostomate After Hospital Discharge Leanne D. Richbourg, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Carla Gene Rapp, RN, PhD, CRRN | ||
263 | Unwrapping the Layers: Innovative Materials for Providing Comfortable Compression Cindy L. Zehrer, RN, MS, Ellen D. Schnobrich, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Staci E. Solfest, BS, Stephanie F. Bernatchez, PhD | ||
262 | Use of a Transparent Absorbent Acrylic Dressing* on a Stage II Pressure Ulcer of the Sacrum Marie Brown-Etris, RN, CWOCN, Marian Punchello, LPN, Theresa O’Connor, RN, BSN, CWOCN | ||
261 | Use of a Transparent Absorbent Acrylic Dressing* on Stage II and III Pressure Ulcers Marie Brown-Etris, RN, CWOCN, Marian Punchello, LPN, Theresa O’Connor, RN, BSN, CWOCN | ||
258 | Validation and Education of New Support Surface Terms and Definitions Rosalyn S. Jordan, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Abbey Daniels, Cynthia Sylvia, RN, MA, CWOCN | ||
230 | Washing with skin detergent containing synthetic pseudo-ceramide improved skin conditions of nursing home and old-age home residents Shinobu Okada, R.N.ph.D., Midori Nagano, R.N., M.S., E.T., Junko Nishio, B.S., Akiko Suzuki, R.N., B.N., Masaya Nishio, B.S., Keiko Hasebe, B.S. | ||
244 | Wound Management with a Hydrophilic Polyurethane Foam Dressing David W. Brett, BS, Biology, BS, Chemistry, MS, Organic, Chemistry |
See more of Research Abstracts
See more of The 38th Annual WOCN Society Conference (June 24 -- 28, 2006)