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Online Wound, Ostomy, Continence Education: a 5 Year Report Card

Bonnie Sue Rolstad, RN, MS, CWOCN, webWOC Nursing Education Program, Administrative Director, 2001 University Ave SE Suite 200, Mpls, MN 55414, Ruth A. BRYANT, RN, MS, CWOCN, webWOC Nursing Education Program, Program Director, 2001 University Ave SE, Suite 200, Mpls, MN 55414, JoAnn M. Ermer-Seltun, RN, MS, FNP, CWOCN, Mercy Medical Center- North Iowa; Cheslea Creek Wound Clinic, Associate Director, webWOC Nursing Education Program, Mpls., MN, 2001 University Ave SE Suite 200, Mpls, MN 50401, Debra Netsch, MSN, RN, FNP, CWOCN, Mankato Clinic, Clinical Nurse Specialist, 1230 E. Main St, Mankato, MN 56002, Denise Nix, RN, MS, CWOCN, webWOC Nursing Education Program, Associate Director, 2001 University Ave SE, Suite 200, Mpls, MN 55414, and Marilyn Loen, PhD, RN, Metropolitan State University, Executive Director, School of Nursing, 700 East 7th Street, St. Paul, MN 55116.

Purpose: This poster presents the 5-year Report Card for the first online WOCN accredited distance education program in wound, ostomy, and continence nursing. The program utilizes 7 principles for good practice adapted for online learning as it encourages contact between students and faculty, develops of shared learning among students, promotes active learning, provides prompt feedback, emphasizes time on task, communicates high expectations and respects diverse talents and ways of learning.

Methodology: In order to evaluate the success of this program, several outcome indicators were identified: student satisfaction with courses, orientation to technology and online learning, attrition rates, employment status of graduate, graduate WOCN certification status, preceptor evaluation of student and the program, faculty competence in clinical content and online teaching skills, and effectiveness of community building amongst the learners.

Results of surveys for current learners, graduates and preceptors are utilized as a source of data for this report.

Results: There is a high degree of satisfaction from current learners as well as graduates of this program. Low attrition rates have occurred and graduates from the program who wish to take the WOCN certification exam are successfully passing the exam with similar scores as other programs. Preceptors rank the preparation of students entering the practicum at above 95% satisfaction level. Students demonstrate a high degree of community and evaluate that support and feedback are exceptional.

Conclusion: This online WOC nursing education ranks as exceptional related to the indicators being studied in this report. The role of experienced online faculty is critical to success in teaching WOC nursing in this interactive environment. The online education program for WOC nursing provides an educationally sound, accessible and convenient path for entry into practice.

Chickering, A. W., & Ehrmann, S.C. (1997) Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. Retrieved 11/15/05 from http://www.tltgroup.org/programs/seven.

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